Friday, November 12, 2010

Top 5 popular College Sports

As it would be a pleasant experience in school? Add School offers organizations and part of the team from some of the most popular college sports has many advantages. Not only do they give you college scholarships, but they also contribute to a large part of your future, so they help you build your dreams. Here is a list of the top 5 is known college sports, you can choose from depending on ability and interest.

First on the list of football. Football isSport played between two teams of eleven players. His goal is get the ball into the opponent's end zone by them or tossed to a teammate, so you points ahead. It is a very aggressive game, so if you play this sport, you must be able to work to build more muscle and physically stronger.

Second on the list is football. Football is also an association football, which is played by eleven players per team announced. It is a physicallyand requires mentally demanding sport, the athletic abilities and quick thinking. It is probably one of the most popular college sports in the world because it is played by virtually almost all countries in one way or another.

Third on the list is basketball. Basketball is powered by two teams of five players, in which the goal of the game is to score points by shooting the ball make in the ring and the ball by blind passes, assists, and played dribbles, this sportIt requires usually large enough.

The fourth is on the list of baseball. Baseball is played by two teams, to prevent the goal of the team on the pitch to the batter from scoring, but if the batter hits the ball, the real work of the actors in this area begins.

The fifth is on the list of ice hockey. Ice hockey is one of the fastest of all team sports, and it is played by two teams of eleven players. This is one of the sports, the robust demand for well conditionedAthletes - because even without fouls, can cause the sheer speed of the action on the ice in serious injury.

This is only an overview of the most popular college sports. Before you decide to join what college sports, you must ensure that the necessary athletic ability and conditioned body.

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